I was asked some interesting questions with Sam Wollard and Kelli Nichols of Wollard Nichols and Associates (WNA) that made me think about why the One Human Race Initiative are so important to a meaningful, transforming dialogue about race...
You’re a housing and real estate person. How did you get engaged in facilitating conversations about race?
It wasn’t directly connected to my real estate and lending; it was through the church side of my life. I was asked to attend a workshop by a friend at church several years ago. That’s how I became aware of the PBS series “Race: The Power of An Illusion” and some other organizations trying to facilitate a conversation about race. At work, I really never made the connection that we needed to be having the same kinds of conversations until
I saw a class on the topic and realizing that there is institutional racism in housing and these topics need to addressed in real estate.
To read the entire interview connect here: